The West Coast Rollers’ pre-season tour to Hopefield proved to be a futile one in terms of cricket, but it was certainly not short of fun.
Heading through to our accommodation at Vlakvarkgat on Friday night, everyone was in good spirits as the weather had cleared up and the sun was shining.
But when news came through on Sunday morning that the fields were too wet for cricket, we had to make another plan. Drinking was the first thing that came too mind, and at first it went well. We even had some slip catching practice with beers in hand.

But after a while we realised the day was still long and that we would need some sort of distraction. Enter Paintball.
For more than two hours the Rollers and some partners crawled through the bushes and were subjected to some painful shots, with battle scar showing the order of the day by the fire later that night.
And then it was time to hit the bar – and the dancefloor. The Rollers showed off some great skills, with Neville in particular rolling back the years with some moves from the late-80s.

Of course it all seemed a good idea at the time, but the next morning the team looked a bit worse for wear. Still, nothing like a few Savannas, and Cane & Cream Sodas to pucker up the lot, with Haas, Casper, Yster and Neville doing it so well that they had to sleep over in Yzerfontein.
Next event is the Bowls Day on October 13. Get your teams ready for another awesome day.